Go Prospecting
Making the right call
Go Prospecting is the most regularly updated, phone, data cloud prospecting system in Australia. The system is designed to be simple to use, that enables you to search for property occupants based on their residential addresses.
The Go Prospecting tool contains data of residents that live in your chosen area(s), providing phone number(s) and addresses, enabling you to get the most out of your prospecting.
Go prospecting is fully compliant with Australian legislation with regards to the Privacy Act and the Do Not Call register.

How can I utilise it?

Mail Merge
Direct Mail
Export ownership records in an excel spreadsheet ready for mail merge with your letter.
Create a mail out to several hundred owners in a few minutes, at a click of a few buttons

Phone Prospecting
Use Go Prospecting for telemarketing by using current telephone numbers.
Your phone numbers are washed against the government’s Do Not Call register, enabling you to see your Do Not Call numbers highlighted in RED.

Door Knocking
It isn't every agent's favorite prospecting endeavor, but door knocking can be incredibly effective and it is much more effective when you can address residents by name.
Property Search
Search for property owners by suburb, street, surname or phone number. Enabling you to prospect on as large or as small a scope as possible.
Live Chat to support Team
Manned support chat during business hours will be your new instant point of contact from directly within Ownership Data. Making support more effective and accessible than it has been before.
Online Mail merge
Go Prospecting doesn't merge out a bulky confusing CSV anymore, the system will now retain your merges in a dedicated merge tool where you can store templates and create merges in a few simple steps, saving you time and effort.
Custom Map Searching
Go Prospecting comes with a built in map search function to make your hot spot and farm area marketing, more intuitive and fluid than ever.
Use record customisation to keep yourself on track
Go Prospecting gives you options to add tags and notes as well as use a contact followup notifier, to keep yourself on track with your prospecting.
Integrated Listing Data Tool
GoProspecting's listing data tool enables you to search for properties that are currently or previously been on the market. Search using 30, 60, and 90-day filters, or you can even apply a custom range to suit your needs.

DNC Compliance
Our phone number records are also washed against the government’s Do Not Call register every 28 days, enabling you to see your Do Not Call numbers highlighted in red and call in confidence.

Is it Legal?
All the information we provide through Go Prospecting is 100% legal for prospecting and does not put your Real Estate license or business in jeopardy to utilize it for data mining.
Go Prospecting has been around since 2006 and has ensured maximum compliance with authorities over this period. All mail generated from our system is also compliant with no junk mail and Australia post only.
Is it right for you?
Go Prospecting is a tool that has been designed to integrate with any size business model. It's customization and flexibility have given us the ability to provide data to clients as small as one person mobile outfits, as well as some of the largest prospecting agencies and Real Estate companies in the country. We encourage you to have a look at our product, either in person or online to see if it is right for you.
We know that with Go Prospecting at your disposal, those new listings and rentals are within your grasp.